“The work that Vox Audita has accomplished with PolicyLink has allowed us to expand our reach and approach technical challenges that we could never have achieved without them.
— Josh Kirschenbaum

Happy Clients


The National Equity Atlas

America's most detailed report card on racial and economic equity. We equip movement leaders and policymakers with actionable data and strategies to advance racial equity and shared prosperity.

The Bay Area Equity Atlas

A comprehensive data support
system to track the state of equity
across the region and inform solutions for inclusive prosperity.

California Immigrant Data Portal

A resource and progress tracker for immigrants and those serving immigrant communities across the state of California.


The first no-code data visualization publishing platform. The best way for your data science and design teams to collaborate.


Josh Kirschenbaum

Chief Operating Officer


“The work that Vox Audita has accomplished with PolicyLink has allowed us to expand our reach and approach technical challenges that we could never have achieved without them.”

Joanna Lee

Project Manager


“Vox Audita takes our work to the next level, expanding our reach by making our data and analysis accessible to those working on immigrant inclusion throughout California.”


Justin Scoggins

Data Manager


Working with complex data can be challenging. Having a team like Vox Audita in your court is critical to creating compelling data visualizations.

Gustavo Novloski

COO and Co-founder


“Vox Audita is putting the power of data in the hands of our designers".


Let’s Talk! Book a consultation.